Technology suppliers have relied upon ATP’s understanding of the drivers that impact the demand for their technology, and our ability to target where their technology will have the most impact often using proprietary analytical tools. ATP has worked with some of the most important companies in the energy and environmental industry.
Environmental equipment markets run in waves. As a result, proper timing is critical. The industry is also highly competitive. Therefore, you need to focus on your best opportunities, and you need a process to identify them.
Consultants lacking industry-specific or technology-specific knowledge can’t navigate that process. ATP is the leading strategy consultant to the air pollution control industry. As such, we understand the unique characteristics of the air pollution control industry and the industries served by it.
We understand the market drivers for the industry, technologies, cost structure, and we have proprietary market analysis tools that set us apart from general consulting firms that do not have the deep industry knowledge that ATP has.
ATP is a member of the Institute of Clean Air Companies (ICAC), the trade association for the air pollution control and monitoring equipment industry.
The following are recent ATP management consulting engagements that may be of interest. ATP will be pleased to provide contact persons for any of the following programs that may be of interest. ATP adheres to a strict Conflict of Interest Policy, as discussed below.
Case Studies
Analysis of Hg Control Market
Performed analysis of mercury control markets for suppliers of activated carbon, other mercury sorbents, mercury analyzers over period of 2014 to present
Market Analysis
Performed 2014 and 2015 Annual Market Study for Institute of Clean Air Companies (ICAC), the trade association of the United States air pollution control and monitoring industries.
Licensing of Technology and Training of Chinese Licensees
For a US-based global supplier of air pollution control technology, developed process technology software and documentation for licensing to client’s Chinese business partners. Trained Chinese business partners on process technology and on ATP proprietary software.
Assessment of Retrofit Control Costs
For a consortium of natural gas suppliers, evaluated cost to retrofit coal utility plants in OH, AL, KY, MI, and TN to comply with EPA air, solid waste and cooling water regulations in order to help assess facilities for possible natural gas conversion.
Activated Carbon Market Analysis
ATP conducted a comprehensive market analysis of the demand for activated carbon for control of power plant pollution that was a key input to the financing of the world’s largest activated carbon plant.. Performed independent analysis relied upon in bond offering by Credit Suisse and guaranteed by US government.
CO2 Capture Technology Analysis
For a global supplier of power generation equipment and air pollution control, including CO2 capture technology, ATP conducted a comprehensive review of CO2 capture technologies that were under development and benchmarked those technologies with regard to development status, cost, intellectual property and other factors.
Mercury Emissions Monitor Business Acquisition
ATP was engaged to evaluate the business plan and pro forma financial statements of a business our client was evaluating for acquisition. ATP critically evaluated pro-forma financial statements and recommended changes to client and also evaluated market. ATP analyzed the business and also provided estimates of firm value using more realistic assumptions. ATP has continued to support this client after the successful acquisition, performing market analysis and other support.
Mercury Control Technology Market Analysis
ATP was engaged by a leading supplier of material and surface chemistry products to assist them in evaluating the business opportunities in the emerging mercury emissions control market. ATP assisted them in assessing the market and developing technology. Dr. J. Staudt is a co-inventor on a patent awarded to this client.
Replacement Catalyst Market
ATP completed a market analysis of the replacement catalyst market for utility air pollution control systems. Using proprietary computer models for catalyst usage, the analysis addressed four different future regulatory scenarios and estimated the demand for future new and replacement catalyst.
Business Plan Review
At client’s request, ATP recently reviewed a business plan and market analysis prepared by the “Gold Standard” of management consultants. We brought their business plan back to earth, and the client avoided some costly investments that never would have paid off.
Strategies for Growth
Developed a strategy for a client to improve revenues. Performed a comprehensive “5-Factor” and value chain analysis of the industry and the market for a growing market segment. By implementing the recommended strategy, the client’s new orders for the year were 3 times those of their original plan
Renewable Power Technology
Global equipment/services equipment supplier (GE) asked ATP to evaluate market for solar power generation technologies. ATP evaluated the photovoltaic technology opportunity they were considering, and also brought their attention to an attractive opportunity in wind power that they had not been considering. Client successfully made an acquisition in wind power. It has been one of the fastest growing sectors of their business, and they have become the leader in this high-growth area of power generation.
Global Supplier of Capital Equipment and Services to the Electric Power Industry
To a large, global supplier of capital equipment and services to the electric power industry (GE), ATP was engaged on multiple occasions to advise on strategies for growth in the environmental equipment and services market. In one of the engagements, ATP conducted a detailed evaluation of the market, quantified the size, growth, and spending levels (total and by client) in the market. ATP identified the key parameters that determine profitability in the market sector of interest, and ATP developed a strategy of growth through acquisition of existing regional service providers. ATP used the results of its client survey to identify characteristics the client should look for in its acquisition candidates. Since that engagement, the client has deployed ATP’s strategy and has conducted several successful acquisitions of regional service providers.
Power Industry Capital Equipment Company
Our client – a capital equipment supplier to power companies that did not have internal technology for entering a fast growing market segment – needed a low risk strategy for entering this new, growing market. We recognized the need for a strong partner to provide technology and experience that were lacking. We identified a proper partner to provide technology that would immediately place them in a leading role in the industry. We brought the two parties together and worked with management of both companies to develop a strategy for the business arrangement. Client was awarded a key role in a major program with an electric utility company within a few months of putting the strategy in place.
Licensing of Technology
ATP assisted the Gas Research Institute (now the Gas Technology Institute) in licensing gas-based technologies. ATP advised on technology valuation, intellectual property, and license terms. ATP continues to advise client on other business matters. Andover Technology Partners assisted Gas Research Institute (GRI), Chicago, in commercializing its Fuel-Lean Gas Reburning (FLGR) and Amine-Enhanced FLGR technologies. Both technologies use natural gas to provide low-cost reduction of pollution from electric utility power plants and other facilities.
Due Diligence and Market Intelligence
ATP provides private equity, institutional and strategic investors intelligence relating to markets and technologies that the firms are evaluating for investment. Several engagements have been performed for these clients.