Clean energy and air pollution control have recently become interesting areas for the investment community. This is from the perspective of investments in publicly held companies, acquisition of companies in this space in private transactions, or investment in specific projects in this space.
The same characteristics that make Andover Technology Partners (ATP) the most trusted strategy and market consultant for companies that work in this space also make ATP uniquely qualified to advise the financial community when considering investments in this space.
ATP currently advises portfolio managers who investment in publicly held clean energy or air pollution control companies. ATP also advises companies considering an acquisition in this space, or companies investing in a specific clean energy or air pollution control project.
ATP has assisted strategic private investors in company equity or debt. Most of these engagements are done on a confidential basis. The following are some examples of programs completed for clients.
Case Studies
Mercury Emissions Monitor Business Acquisition
ATP was engaged to evaluate the business plan and pro forma financial statements of a business our client was evaluating for acquisition. ATP critically evaluated pro-forma financial statements and recommended changes to client and also evaluated market. ATP analyzed the business and also provided estimates of firm value using more realistic assumptions. ATP has continued to support this client after the successful acquisition, performing market analysis and other support.
Renewable Power Technology
Global equipment/services equipment supplier (GE) asked ATP to evaluate market for solar power generation technologies. ATP evaluated the photovoltaic technology opportunity they were considering, and also brought their attention to an attractive opportunity in wind power that they had not been considering. Client successfully made an acquisition in wind power. It has been one of the fastest growing sectors of their business, and they have become the leader in this high-growth area of power generation.
Catalyst Regeneration Company
ATP assisted clients that were interested in investing into an environmental catalyst regeneration company. ATP made market estimates using proprietary catalyst market models.
Due Diligence and Market Intelligence
ATP provides private equity, institutional and strategic investors intelligence relating to markets and technologies that the firms are evaluating for investment. Several engagements have been performed for these clients.