ATP’s analysis has contributed to nearly every major clean air program impacting the electric power industry or large, industrial facilities since 1998. Clients have included the US EPA, US DOE, states, organizations of state regulators, Native American governments, and environmental organizations.
Case Studies
Government and Public Sector Consulting Projects
Title: Control of SO2 from Coal Power Plant
Client: United States Department of Energy
Scope: Expert Witness for United States in litigation with Ameren Missouri over SO2 controls for an Ameren Missouri power plant.
Period of Performance: 2016-2019
Title: Assistance on Clean Power Plan
Client: North Carolina Environmental Protection Agency
Scope: Assisted NC with technical analysis of Clean Power Plan proposal.
Period of Performance: 2015-2016
Title: Assistance on Clean Power Plan
Client: Navajo Nation, through Navajo Tribal Utility Authority
Scope: Assisting Navajo Nation with technical analysis of Clean Power Plan proposal, to include interaction with electric utility companies and analysis of compliance options.
Period of Performance: 2014-2015
Title: Conversion of Coal Plants to Natural Gas
Client: Environmental Defense Fund
Scope: Evaluation of natural gas conversion and natural gas cofiring at coal fired power plants..
Period of Performance: 2014
Title: Impact to Labor Demand from Heat Rate Improvements on Existing Fossil Power Plants
Client: EPA Clean Air Markets Division through ICF International
Scope: A review of technical methods and potential labor impacts of heat rate improvements that might result from EPA regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) from existing fossil power plants.
Period of Performance: 2013-2014
Title: Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) analysis and BART related support
Client: EPA Regions 8 and 9 – through EC\R and ICF International, respectively
Scope: Performed BART technology and economic analysis for industrial sources and electric generating units (visibility analysis performed by others). Also assisted regions respond to comments, as needed. Industrial sources included industrial boilers, cement kilns, lime kilns, combustion turbines, and reciprocating internal combustion engines.
Period of Performance: 2012
Title: Candidate Control Measures for SO2 Control from Industrial Sources
Client: Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO)
Scope: Performed a study and published a report that evaluated candidate SO2 control measures for a wide range of industrial sources in the LADCO region, to include: Industrial Boilers, Cement Kilns, Lime Kilns, Iron and Steel Mills, Refineries, Chemical Plants, Glass furnaces, and others. A report was published and is available on the LADCO website:
Period of Performance: 2011/2012
Title: Control Technologies to Reduce Conventional and Hazardous Air Pollutants from Coal-Fired Power Plants
Client: MJ Bradley and Associates and Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
Scope: Prepared a report in collaboration with MJ Bradley and Associates on the topic of control technologies for control of NOx, SO2, and Air Toxics (particle matter, acid gases, mercury, etc.) for coal fired power plants and the application of these technologies for compliance with US EPA rules. A report was published by the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM).
Period of Performance: 2011
Title: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options Database (GMOD)
Client: US EPA (through Eastern Research Group and RTI International)
Scope: Developing Greenhouse Gas Technology Database for US EPA for power plants and cement kilns. Effort includes collection and analysis of data on performance and cost of various greenhouse gas control technologies including CO2 capture, IGCC, and others.
Period of Performance: Spring 2009-2010
Title: Emissions Control for Power Plants
Client: US EPA (through ICF Consulting)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from power plants and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the Integrated Planning Model. Assisted EPA with analysis for Mercury and Air Toxic Standards, to include analysis of Information Collection Request (ICR) Data to determine emission levels and controls needed for different sources. Also analyzed the availability of and demand for labor and other resources necessary for compliance with the MATS and Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR).
Period of Performance: Fall 2009-2012
Title: Emissions Control for Cement Kilns
Client: US EPA (through ICF Consulting and Eastern Research Group)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from cement kilns, and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the US EPA Industrial Source Integrated Solutions (ISIS) Model.
Period of Performance: 2008-2010
Title: Emissions Control for Iron and Steel Mills
Client: US EPA (through Eastern Research Group)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from Iron and Steel Mills, and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the US EPA ISIS Multi-Sector Model.
Period of Performance: 2009-2010
Title: Emissions Control for Pulp and Paper Mills
Client: US EPA (through RTI International)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from Pulp and Paper Mills, and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the US EPA ISIS Multi-Sector Model.
Period of Performance: 2009-2010
Title: NOx Control – NOx RACT
Client: State of Illinois, Bureau of Air (Contract with Lake Michigan Air Director’s Consortium)
Scope: Providing technical support to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air in developing rules for control of NOx at electric generating units, gas turbines and reciprocating engines and steel mills, cement plants, glass-manufacturing plants, refineries, and other industrial facilities.
Period of Performance: 2007-2009
Title: Best Available Retrofit Technology for EGU’s in Illinois
Client: State of Illinois, Bureau of Air (Contract with Lake Michigan Air Director’s Consortium)
Scope: Providing technical support to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air in evaluating BART for specific IL EGUs.
Period of Performance: 2007-2008
Title: Air Pollution Reduction at Tennessee Valley Authority Plants
Client: Attorney General of North Carolina
Scope: Providing expert witness analysis of methods to reduce air pollution from TVA coal power plants.
Period of Performance: 2006-2008
Title: NOx and SO2 Cost of Control under the Clean Air Act Amendments
Client: US Environmental Protection Agency and ICF Consulting
Scope: Providing technical support to the US EPA Clean Air Markets Division and analyzing the cost of compliance with Title IV (NOx and SO2 Acid Rain provisions) of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) and the NOx SIP Call and OTC NOx Budget Rule that were issued under Title I of the CAAA.
Period of Performance: 2006
Title: Mercury Emissions Control
Client: State of Illinois, Bureau of Air (Contract with Lake Michigan Air Director’s Consortium)
Scope: ATP provided technical support to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air in developing a rule to meet the Illinois Governor’s proposed reduction in Illinois power plant mercury emissions.
Period of Performance: 2006 – completed
Title: Update of Coal Utility Environmental Cost (CUECost) Model
Client: US EPA and ARCADIS, P.O. Box 13109, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Scope: ATP developed cost and performance algorithms for mercury emissions control including cobenefits, powdered activated carbon and halogenated powdered activated carbon. Also developed SO2 control cost and performance algorithms. These and other updates were incorporated into EPA’s CUECost model.
Period of Performance: 2005-2006
Title: SO2 Control Cost and Performance
Client: US EPA and ICF Consulting, 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 934-3071
Scope: ATP supported ICF Consulting and US EPA in developing cost and performance models for limestone forced oxidation (LSFO) and Spray Drier Absorber technology that will be incorporated into the Integrated Planning Model. Reviews of installed installation data and vendor quotes was used to develop algorithms.
Period of Performance: 2005
Title: NOx Control Workshop, Dalian, China
Client: US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, and Arcadis
Scope: ATP developed and taught a workshop on NOx control methods, especially post combustion controls for coal-fired power plants, to Chinese delegates.
Period of Performance: 2005
Title: Reliability of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Systems for High Pollutant Removal Efficiencies on Coal Fired Utility Boilers
Client: US Environmental Protection Agency and ICF Consulting, 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 934-3071
Scope: ATP evaluated the reliability of recently installed SCR systems designed for very high removal efficiencies (over 90%) and also FGD technologies.
Period of Performance: 2004
Title: Performance and Cost of Mercury and Multipollutant Emission Control Technology Applications on Electric Utility Boilers, EPA-600/R-03/110 issued October 2003
Client: US EPA and ARCADIS, P.O. Box 13109, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Scope: ATP was the principal subcontractor to ARCADIS in evaluating the performance and cost of mercury and multipollutant control methods (NOx, SOx, PM, Hg) for the US EPA. ATP developed cost and performance models to assess the emission control strategies for control of mercury, NOx, SO2 and PM and other pollutants for about 50 model plants. Results are documented in EPA report EPA-600/R-03/110 issued October 2003, which may be downloaded from EPA’s web site.
Period of Performance: 2002-2003
Title: Cost and Performance of Pollution Controls
Client: US EPA and ICF Consulting, 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 934-3071
Scope: As a subcontractor to ICF Consulting, ATP has evaluated the cost and performance of state-of-the-art combustion NOx controls and the cost and performance experienced with Selective Catalytic Reduction systems installed in response to the NOx SIP Call. Project entailed review of public information and interviews with industry contacts to collect cost and performance information, and reporting of the information to EPA and ICF.
Period of Performance: fall 2002 – fall 2003
Title: Engineering and Economic Factors Affecting the Installation of Control Technologies for Multipollutant Strategies, EPA-600/R-02/073, October 2002
Client: US EPA and ARCADIS, P.O. Box 13109, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Scope: As a subcontractor to ARCADIS, ATP analyzed the feasibility of complying with Multipollutant Control programs under evaluation by EPA. Report examined the feasibility of mercury, SO2, and NOX control technology implementation based upon forecasted technology installation schedules for the Clear Skies Initiative.
Period of Performance: Fall 2001 – Spring 2002
Title: Status Report on NOx Controls for Gas Turbines, Cement Kilns, Industrial Boilers, Internal Combustion Engines – Technologies and Cost Effectiveness
Client: Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
Scope: Comprehensive report on technologies, performance and cost effectiveness of methods to control NOx from gas turbines, cement kilns, industrial boilers, and internal combustion engines.
Period of Performance: released December 2000
Title: Status Report on NOx Control Technologies and Cost Effectiveness for Utility Boilers
Client: Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
Scope: Comprehensive report on technologies, performance and cost effectiveness of methods to control NOx from utility boilers.
Period of Performance: released December 2000
Government and Public Sector Consulting Projects
Title: Control of SO2 from Coal Power Plant
Client: United States Department of Energy
Scope: Expert Witness for United States in litigation with Ameren Missouri over SO2 controls for an Ameren Missouri power plant.
Period of Performance: 2016-2019
Title: Assistance on Clean Power Plan
Client: North Carolina Environmental Protection Agency
Scope: Assisted NC with technical analysis of Clean Power Plan proposal.
Period of Performance: 2015-2016
Title: Assistance on Clean Power Plan
Client: Navajo Nation, through Navajo Tribal Utility Authority
Scope: Assisting Navajo Nation with technical analysis of Clean Power Plan proposal, to include interaction with electric utility companies and analysis of compliance options.
Period of Performance: 2014-2015
Title: Conversion of Coal Plants to Natural Gas
Client: Environmental Defense Fund
Scope: Evaluation of natural gas conversion and natural gas cofiring at coal fired power plants..
Period of Performance: 2014
Title: Impact to Labor Demand from Heat Rate Improvements on Existing Fossil Power Plants
Client: EPA Clean Air Markets Division through ICF International
Scope: A review of technical methods and potential labor impacts of heat rate improvements that might result from EPA regulation of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) from existing fossil power plants.
Period of Performance: 2013-2014
Title: Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) analysis and BART related support
Client: EPA Regions 8 and 9 – through EC\R and ICF International, respectively
Scope: Performed BART technology and economic analysis for industrial sources and electric generating units (visibility analysis performed by others). Also assisted regions respond to comments, as needed. Industrial sources included industrial boilers, cement kilns, lime kilns, combustion turbines, and reciprocating internal combustion engines.
Period of Performance: 2012
Title: Candidate Control Measures for SO2 Control from Industrial Sources
Client: Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium (LADCO)
Scope: Performed a study and published a report that evaluated candidate SO2 control measures for a wide range of industrial sources in the LADCO region, to include: Industrial Boilers, Cement Kilns, Lime Kilns, Iron and Steel Mills, Refineries, Chemical Plants, Glass furnaces, and others. A report was published and is available on the LADCO website:
Period of Performance: 2011/2012
Title: Control Technologies to Reduce Conventional and Hazardous Air Pollutants from Coal-Fired Power Plants
Client: MJ Bradley and Associates and Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
Scope: Prepared a report in collaboration with MJ Bradley and Associates on the topic of control technologies for control of NOx, SO2, and Air Toxics (particle matter, acid gases, mercury, etc.) for coal fired power plants and the application of these technologies for compliance with US EPA rules. A report was published by the Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management (NESCAUM).
Period of Performance: 2011
Title: Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Options Database (GMOD)
Client: US EPA (through Eastern Research Group and RTI International)
Scope: Developing Greenhouse Gas Technology Database for US EPA for power plants and cement kilns. Effort includes collection and analysis of data on performance and cost of various greenhouse gas control technologies including CO2 capture, IGCC, and others.
Period of Performance: Spring 2009-2010
Title: Emissions Control for Power Plants
Client: US EPA (through ICF Consulting)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from power plants and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the Integrated Planning Model. Assisted EPA with analysis for Mercury and Air Toxic Standards, to include analysis of Information Collection Request (ICR) Data to determine emission levels and controls needed for different sources. Also analyzed the availability of and demand for labor and other resources necessary for compliance with the MATS and Cross State Air Pollution Rule (CSAPR).
Period of Performance: Fall 2009-2012
Title: Emissions Control for Cement Kilns
Client: US EPA (through ICF Consulting and Eastern Research Group)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from cement kilns, and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the US EPA Industrial Source Integrated Solutions (ISIS) Model.
Period of Performance: 2008-2010
Title: Emissions Control for Iron and Steel Mills
Client: US EPA (through Eastern Research Group)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from Iron and Steel Mills, and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the US EPA ISIS Multi-Sector Model.
Period of Performance: 2009-2010
Title: Emissions Control for Pulp and Paper Mills
Client: US EPA (through RTI International)
Scope: Comprehensive evaluation of NOx, SO2, and CO2 emissions from Pulp and Paper Mills, and development of capital cost, variable and fixed operating cost algorithms for control measures as well as impacts (energy use, water use, emissions reduction) for use in the US EPA ISIS Multi-Sector Model.
Period of Performance: 2009-2010
Title: NOx Control – NOx RACT
Client: State of Illinois, Bureau of Air (Contract with Lake Michigan Air Director’s Consortium)
Scope: Providing technical support to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air in developing rules for control of NOx at electric generating units, gas turbines and reciprocating engines and steel mills, cement plants, glass-manufacturing plants, refineries, and other industrial facilities.
Period of Performance: 2007-2009
Title: Best Available Retrofit Technology for EGU’s in Illinois
Client: State of Illinois, Bureau of Air (Contract with Lake Michigan Air Director’s Consortium)
Scope: Providing technical support to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air in evaluating BART for specific IL EGUs.
Period of Performance: 2007-2008
Title: Air Pollution Reduction at Tennessee Valley Authority Plants
Client: Attorney General of North Carolina
Scope: Providing expert witness analysis of methods to reduce air pollution from TVA coal power plants.
Period of Performance: 2006-2008
Title: NOx and SO2 Cost of Control under the Clean Air Act Amendments
Client: US Environmental Protection Agency and ICF Consulting
Scope: Providing technical support to the US EPA Clean Air Markets Division and analyzing the cost of compliance with Title IV (NOx and SO2 Acid Rain provisions) of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) and the NOx SIP Call and OTC NOx Budget Rule that were issued under Title I of the CAAA.
Period of Performance: 2006
Title: Mercury Emissions Control
Client: State of Illinois, Bureau of Air (Contract with Lake Michigan Air Director’s Consortium)
Scope: ATP provided technical support to the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s Bureau of Air in developing a rule to meet the Illinois Governor’s proposed reduction in Illinois power plant mercury emissions.
Period of Performance: 2006 – completed
Title: Update of Coal Utility Environmental Cost (CUECost) Model
Client: US EPA and ARCADIS, P.O. Box 13109, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Scope: ATP developed cost and performance algorithms for mercury emissions control including cobenefits, powdered activated carbon and halogenated powdered activated carbon. Also developed SO2 control cost and performance algorithms. These and other updates were incorporated into EPA’s CUECost model.
Period of Performance: 2005-2006
Title: SO2 Control Cost and Performance
Client: US EPA and ICF Consulting, 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 934-3071
Scope: ATP supported ICF Consulting and US EPA in developing cost and performance models for limestone forced oxidation (LSFO) and Spray Drier Absorber technology that will be incorporated into the Integrated Planning Model. Reviews of installed installation data and vendor quotes was used to develop algorithms.
Period of Performance: 2005
Title: NOx Control Workshop, Dalian, China
Client: US Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory, and Arcadis
Scope: ATP developed and taught a workshop on NOx control methods, especially post combustion controls for coal-fired power plants, to Chinese delegates.
Period of Performance: 2005
Title: Reliability of Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) and Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Systems for High Pollutant Removal Efficiencies on Coal Fired Utility Boilers
Client: US Environmental Protection Agency and ICF Consulting, 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 934-3071
Scope: ATP evaluated the reliability of recently installed SCR systems designed for very high removal efficiencies (over 90%) and also FGD technologies.
Period of Performance: 2004
Title: Performance and Cost of Mercury and Multipollutant Emission Control Technology Applications on Electric Utility Boilers, EPA-600/R-03/110 issued October 2003
Client: US EPA and ARCADIS, P.O. Box 13109, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Scope: ATP was the principal subcontractor to ARCADIS in evaluating the performance and cost of mercury and multipollutant control methods (NOx, SOx, PM, Hg) for the US EPA. ATP developed cost and performance models to assess the emission control strategies for control of mercury, NOx, SO2 and PM and other pollutants for about 50 model plants. Results are documented in EPA report EPA-600/R-03/110 issued October 2003, which may be downloaded from EPA’s web site.
Period of Performance: 2002-2003
Title: Cost and Performance of Pollution Controls
Client: US EPA and ICF Consulting, 9300 Lee Highway, Fairfax, VA 22031 (703) 934-3071
Scope: As a subcontractor to ICF Consulting, ATP has evaluated the cost and performance of state-of-the-art combustion NOx controls and the cost and performance experienced with Selective Catalytic Reduction systems installed in response to the NOx SIP Call. Project entailed review of public information and interviews with industry contacts to collect cost and performance information, and reporting of the information to EPA and ICF.
Period of Performance: fall 2002 – fall 2003
Title: Engineering and Economic Factors Affecting the Installation of Control Technologies for Multipollutant Strategies, EPA-600/R-02/073, October 2002
Client: US EPA and ARCADIS, P.O. Box 13109, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709
Scope: As a subcontractor to ARCADIS, ATP analyzed the feasibility of complying with Multipollutant Control programs under evaluation by EPA. Report examined the feasibility of mercury, SO2, and NOX control technology implementation based upon forecasted technology installation schedules for the Clear Skies Initiative.
Period of Performance: Fall 2001 – Spring 2002
Title: Status Report on NOx Controls for Gas Turbines, Cement Kilns, Industrial Boilers, Internal Combustion Engines – Technologies and Cost Effectiveness
Client: Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
Scope: Comprehensive report on technologies, performance and cost effectiveness of methods to control NOx from gas turbines, cement kilns, industrial boilers, and internal combustion engines.
Period of Performance: released December 2000
Title: Status Report on NOx Control Technologies and Cost Effectiveness for Utility Boilers
Client: Northeast States for Coordinated Air Use Management
Scope: Comprehensive report on technologies, performance and cost effectiveness of methods to control NOx from utility boilers.
Period of Performance: released December 2000