ATP focuses on solving our clients' most difficult technology and business problems
Andover Technology Partners (ATP) provides high value consulting services and proprietary information products and software to a range of clients in the air pollution control and clean energy space. The focus is on engagements where deep knowledge of technology and business are important factors in providing value to the client. ATP provides thoughtful, robust analysis, but with an objective of providing the client practical and actionable information…
This is how ATP is able to solve its clients’ most difficult technology and business problems.
& Events
New Smart Building Whitepaper
In May 2020, ATP and SincEnergy issued a White Paper on the Past Present and Future of Smart Building Management ...
Testimony on BACT for Power Plants
On September 30, 2019 the United States District Court Eastern District of Missouri issued its Memorandum Opinion and Order requiring ...

Comparison of CEMS and Fuel Data for Heat Rate
By Jim Staudt, presented to the EPRI CEMS meeting, 2018 ABSTRACT - Lowering heat rate from electric utility boilers has the economic benefit of reducing fuel consumption and the environmental benefit of reducing pollutant emissions ...

The Past Present and Future of Smart Building Energy Management
By Staudt and Glesmann ABSTRACT - This paper explores the use of smart building technology to provide lower building operating costs as well as increased revenue opportunities with improved safety, security and resilience. When the ...
Clearing the Air

Transitions in energy
The combination of low natural gas prices, low (and now, negative) demand growth, and dropping cost of renewables have been driving coal out of the market. In addition, the COVID pandemic has reduced energy demand from what it otherwise would have been. This has reinforced decisions by many utilities to move away from coal and toward renewables. Even back in 2018 the CEO of Vistra Energy stated on Jim Cramer’s Mad Money that, “coal is on its way out”. Over ...